Friday 20 July 2018

Kaya Hair Restore Expert Hair Transplant Treatment

If you are suffering from male pattern baldness and you have a large area of baldness, a hair transplant procedure might be your best choice. Opt for a consultation at your nearest Kaya Clinic to check if you are a good candidate for hair regrowth by hair transplant.

Baldness or Alopecia

Baldness can be caused by many factors like heredity, some medications, certain treatments like chemotherapy, infections, hormone imbalance etc. Men are more prone to baldness than women, and this is caused by a form of Testosterone called Dihydrotesterone or DHT. For men who have a hereditary vulnerability to Androgenetic Alopecia, the DHT attaches itself to hair follicles and eventually shrivels them up, stopping hair regrowth.

Kaya’s Three Step Procedure

When you go for a consultation at Kaya, your scalp and hair will be examined and the doctor will determine if hair transplant is the only option for hair regrowth. The doctor will determine if a good hair rejuvenation therapy like Hair Restore and Revive or the Root Regen Therapy might work for you. If he thinks these will help, you will be advised to go for a therapy.
If you need a hair transplant, the doctor will inform you about it. If you want to have the surgery, tests will be conducted to determine your blood count, blood clotting time etc., and your medical history will be noted. You will be asked about any allergic reaction you have especially to any anesthetics.
If everything goes well and you have enough hair in the donor area, the doctor will inform you of the surgery sessions required, explain the hair transplant procedure, and tell you what results you can expect given your baldness and the hair density on your scalp. You can refer to a Kaya hair transplant review online before you commit.
After the diagnosis and the appropriate treatment comes the third step, maintenance and aftercare through scalp and root strengthening therapies.

The Hair Transplant Procedure

The two popular hair transplant methods are the FollicularUnit Extraction method and the Follicular Unit Transplant method. The main difference between these two methods is that in FUT Transplant, a long strip of hair is removed from the donor region from which the surgeon harvests the required follicles. In the FUE method, individual follicular units are extracted.

Kaya Clinic FUE Transplant

Before the procedure, local anesthesia is administered in both the donor and recipient sites. Kaya Clinic uses Follicular Unit Extraction for hair transplant. The surgeon makes a 1mm incision around each follicular unit to be extracted. When he has harvested enough follicles, they are sorted and grouped.
The surgeon prepares the recipient area, puncturing tiny holes using microneedles. This is done in a pre-planned pattern that he has already mapped out, so that the transplant will provide maximum coverage and also look very natural, matching the hair growth style in the rest of the scalp. The hair follicle groups are then carefully transplanted in the prepared site, to take hold and grow.

What to Expect After the Procedure

Patients have to take only those medications prescribed by the doctor, to get the best results from the transplant procedure. They have to follow special instructions to take care of their scalp and hair for a few days after the surgery.
The transplanted hair will fall out within a month and new hair will begin to emerge in 3 to 5 months. To see the full effects, you will have to wait for 8 to 9 months or even a year. Eventually, the hair from the transplanted follicles will grow strong and start covering the hair loss region. As the hair follicles are taken from an area where they are resistant to DHT, they will not be affected by DHT even when transplanted. So, once the follicles take hold and the hair starts to grow, the hair regrowth is permanent.

The Kaya Assurance

At Kaya, the hair transplant is performed by a highly experienced surgeon with a trained and experienced support team. The OT is clean, well-equipped and maintained to the highest standards. It also has emergency equipment and the support team includes experts who know how to respond to emergencies. So, you can be assured of safety and the high chances of success of the hair transplantation.
Kaya uses a holistic approach in its treatment. So, the hair transplant is supported by hair root strengthening therapy. After your scalp has healed well and the grafts have taken hold, Kaya Clinic follows up with a PRP treatment, a Nutri Infusion therapy for the hair roots and scalp, and a mild laser therapy to stimulate the hair roots. All this aids and enhances the effects of the hair transplant, giving you the best chance for good hair growth from the transplanted follicles.

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