Friday 16 February 2018

Hair Transplant Precautions, Expectations & Recovery Time: What You Need to Know

Hair transplant is a popular solution for hair thinning and excessive hair fall. Hair loss and baldness can rarely be cured. Hair transplantation is often the only solution as far as baldness is concerned. However, it is important that you do it from the right place. Kaya happens to be one of the most trusted names for the same.

There is a silver lining in the horizon for those who are suffering from hair fall and baldness. Hair transplant can indeed be the answer to your hair-loss problems, if done in the right way and by experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable expert hair doctors.

Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant solutions offer a very nuanced approach to hair transplant as opined by people in Kaya Hair Loss Treatment reviews. The solution revolves around two different procedures of hair transplant - Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Though different in approach, both these procedures adopt essentially the same philosophy in transplanting hair.

The Procedure

Whether it is Follicular Unit Extraction or Follicular Unit Transplantation, the patient is first administered with local anesthesia so that he or she does not feel any pain during the procedure.


You should not attempt hair transplant if you are less than 23 years of age or are suffering from any illness that can get aggravated due to the procedure.

Expectations and Cost

There is no reason to be either very optimistic about hair transplant or very pessimistic about it. You need to have reasonable expectations only. This is a surgical intervention that may have diverse repercussions, which may not be predicted before the procedure. However, with Kaya, results are guaranteed. The Kaya Hair Transplant cost has been found to be reasonable according to Kaya Hair Treatment reviews, and so there is nothing that you need to worry about.

FUE Hair Transplant

In this method, donor hair follicles are extracted from the scalp one by one, until the number of active follicles is enough to cover a specific area of bald patch on the skull. A needle-like instrument is used to make circular incisions around selected follicular units. These units are then separated from the scalp and extracted. This leaves a small opening at the site. The surgeon goes on repeating this procedure until there are enough follicular units for grafting on the selected site.
The harvested follicular units are then placed onto these recipient sites. It is here that the follicles give rise to healthy hair. This makes it a time-consuming process. However, the tiny openings at the donor sites completely heal over a period of a week. You may only have tiny white scars behind the head which get buried in the fuller hair that you are likely to get after the procedure.

FUT Hair Transplant

In this procedure, active follicles are removed from the donor sites in strips of 1-4 hair strands from the back or side of head. The hairs are then cleaned and divided into active follicular units. This procedure needs to be conducted under high magnification so that survival of the grafts can be ensured.
Before preparing these follicular units, the dermatologist makes tiny holes on the donor sites. The strips are then placed on these sites until they cover the entire selected area. The doctor needs to be very careful and precise during harvesting, arranging, and positioning the follicular units. Good arrangement and positioning of the graft will determine the natural aspect of the transplanted hair. Nevertheless, the arrangement also varies from patient to patient.


The result of a carefully harvested and properly grafted hair transplant procedure can be amazing as many patients have mentioned in Kaya Hair Transplant reviews. You can have fuller hair that can grow and be cut and designed like natural hair, after around eight to ten months.

Recovery time

Usually, patients recover within a day or two of the procedure. In some patients, though, the feeling of numbness or soreness may linger for few days.

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