Thursday 31 May 2018

After the Hair Transplant - Hair Care and Precautions

When you undergo hair transplantation treatment at Kaya clinic, you may expect good results in the form of healthy hair growth in the transplant region in a few months. However, to ensure this, you need to take some precautions.

Kaya Hair Transplantation Treatment
Kaya offers the Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions, a unique approach to hair regrowth by hair transplant. Using the Follicular Unit Extraction hair transplant method, hair follicles are extracted from the back of the head and transplanted in the bald region. While this method is very effective, you need time to recover. To ensure the best results, follow the doctor’s instructions carefully.
Post Treatment Precautions and Hair Care
For a little while after the procedure, you might be asked to stop taking some medications and supplements like Ibuprofen, any medicines for arthritis etc. These can have a blood thinner effect and induce scalp bleeding. You should also avoid smoking and alcohol consumption to get effective results.
Swelling in the scalp and face might occur and remain for a few days after the treatment. There might be some soreness in the region. The scalp could be bandaged for a few days to prevent infection. You may be prescribed a course of medication that includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines, steroids, and pain medications.

Scalp Care
     You will need to write down the doctor’s post-treatment hair care instructions and follow it strictly. You will be asked to wet the hair transplant region with saline solution for a few days to help it heal quickly. This helps reduce itching. Use a spray to apply the saline solution.
     You will also be given precise instructions on how to wash your hair so that the grafts are not affected. You should use a very mild shampoo during this time. Washing the hair is important to remove blood, scabs, and crusts resulting from the transplant procedure.
     Take care to avoid infections during this period. Do not expose the graft regions to the sun or the outside environment for a few days. Avoid scratching the area. Remain inside and take rest to let your scalp heal well. This is the first step to get a good result from the hair transplant.
     You can go back to work and your normal routine within a week, but you should still take care of your scalp and hair.
     You could be prescribed medicines like minoxidil to encourage hair growth.
     It is important to remember that alcohol and smoking can adversely affect hair growth, so stay away from these while your hair grows back.
     Right after the procedure, for at least two or three days, you need to lie down with your head in an elevated position and avoid bending and sudden movements.
     Avoid hard impact exercises like weight lifting, jogging etc. This can cause scalp bleeding in the graft regions.
     If some minor bleeding does occur, use a slightly damp cloth to apply light pressure on the region. Take care that the cloth does not disturb the grafts.
     Avoid swimming in pool water as it contains chlorine which will have adverse effects on your scalp.
     You can use ice packs to reduce inflammation. On the donor site, you can place a gauze pad and place the ice pack above this. For the graft areas, apply the ice pack on the forehead for a few minutes. This will gradually bring down the swelling.
If you take all the proper medications and follow the instructions on proper scalp and hair care, your scalp will soon recover and new hair will gradually begin to emerge. You could also be given follow-up treatments like hair rejuvenation using plasma taken from your own blood for PRP therapy. Nutrition infusion at the hair roots and laser-based scalp and root stimulation could also follow. All these will be done after your scalp has fully healed. These therapies are part of Kaya’s holistic approach to healthy hair growth.
What Happens to the Hair in the Transplant Region?
After the treatment, the transplanted follicles need time to take hold in the new region. So, the hair in this region falls off within a month. This is not a cause for concern. The follicles will take root and start putting out new hair shafts within five months. After this, the follicles become stronger and the hair shafts also grow healthy and radiant. In six to nine months, you will begin to see the full effects of the transplant. Follicular Unit Extraction for Hair Transplant has been proven to be a very efficient and effective method to get back hair growth in bald regions.

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