Wednesday 27 June 2018

Choosing the Right Clinic for Your Hair Transplant

If you are considering hair transplant as a solution for pattern hair loss, make sure you read up on such procedures, about the qualifications of the surgeons performing the procedure, the equipment, trained support staff and other requirements that makes a clinic a safe option.

Hair Regrowth by Hair Transplant

When you develop bald patches because of Androgenic Alopecia, it affects your looks and can affect your confidence. More than ever, young people in their twenties and even late teens are beginning to go bald, due to hereditary reasons, lifestyle changes, pollution, exposure to dust, sunlight etc.
If your hair loss condition does not respond to other hair restoration therapies, a hair transplant might be the only solution that offers permanent relief. However, before selecting a clinic, do your homework. The clinic where you are having your hair transplantation should be well equipped and have well qualified demato surgeons and good support staff.

Dermatosurgery and Hair Transplant

Dermato Surgeries are minimally invasive surgical procedures that are carried out under anesthesia. Dermato surgeons have a deep knowledge of dermatology and skin problems. They are qualified to perform surgeries that improve the health and appearance of your skin.
Dermato surgeons, besides being qualified in dermatology and certified by the Medical Association of India, should have undergone training in cutaneous surgery. For hair transplant, the surgeon should also have gone through a training period assisting in or performing hair transplant under the supervision of a highly experienced hair transplant surgeon.

At Kaya, only those dermato surgeons who have enough experience with a high percentage of demonstrated positive results perform hair transplant surgeries at their Skin and Hair Health Clinics. Some of the dermatologists at Kaya Clinic have successfully performed more than 2000 surgeries!

The Hair Transplant Facility

The clinic in which the procedures are performed should be well-equipped. It should have up-to-date instruments for the hair transplant method being used, have surgeons experienced in more than one method of hair transplant, have trained and certified anesthetists and support staff, and the facility should maintain high standards in hygiene and safety.
Remember that any surgery that involves anesthesia also carries its own risk. So, the OT should also have good emergency response equipment and staff that is trained in emergency response. Hair transplant surgery is a safe procedure when carried out by trained surgeon and support staff in a good facility.
Kaya is a reputed skin and hair care clinic that meets high standards, with well-equipped facilities and highly experienced dermato surgeons and support team.

Kaya Clinic Hair Transplant - Pre-Surgery Processes

Before deciding whether you are a good candidate for hair transplantation, dermatologists at Kaya perform various tests, take down your hair loss history and your medical history. They would need all the details about any allergies you may have, any negative responses to anesthetics that you may have had, all your medical conditions, medicines that you are currently taking and so on. Lab tests may be done to gauge clotting and bleeding times, your blood count etc. A thorough scalp examination is also done.
All this information is considered to determine whether you will be a good candidate for hair transplant. If you are, then the dermatologist or dermatosurgeon will advice you on the precautions you need to take before the surgery, any risks involved, what you can expect from the surgery, any supplemental therapies you may need to encourage speedy recovery and enhance the effect of the surgery and so on.

Kaya Hair Transplant Method

At Kaya, experienced dermato surgeons use the Follicular Unit Extraction for Hair Transplant. There are currently two recognized and proven methods used in hair transplant, Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT Transplant, and Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE Transplant. While both are effective in hair restoration and are very similar, FUE might leave less obvious scars in the donor region.
Using a systemic approach, Kaya combines hair transplant surgery with hair rejuvenation techniques like PRP, Nutri Infusion for hair roots, and laser treatment for hair root activation.

The Kaya Assurance

Kaya Clinic offers safety and efficacy assurance in all its treatments. This is because they have well-equipped facilities maintained to high standards. The procedures are performed by highly experienced surgeons and technicians with a trained and experienced support staff. Their treatments are tested for effectiveness for the problems they address.

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