Tuesday 26 February 2019

The Key To A Successful Hair Transplant

Losing your hair can be a real pain. If the hair loss is permanent, it can gradually lead to balding. This can be reversed by hair transplant procedures. But it’s not just as simple as that. You must be ready to follow a few rules for a successful transplant. You’ve invested your precious time and money on this procedure, so naturally, you want the best results. This is why the experts want you to follow certain precautions before and after the transplant.

Hair grows from hair follicles found on the skin. They’re responsible for growing new strands of hair when the old hair falls off. But the follicles will stop producing new hair if they stop functioning properly. This is what leads to permanent hair loss.

Hair follicles could get damaged because of aging, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, and hormonal imbalances. The genetics of an individual also play a crucial role in determining if and when they will start experiencing permanent hair loss.

About Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair transplants are done by moving healthy follicles to an area of the scalp that can’t grow hair. These healthy follicles are collected from the patient themselves. Usually, the back and side of the head are immune to permanent hair loss and the healthy follicles are gathered from there. This is called the donor area.

After the hair follicles are extracted, grafts will be prepared from them. These will be transplanted onto an area of the scalp that has lost functioning follicles. These new follicles will start growing new hair after a few months.

What are the Rules?  

Hair regrowth by hair transplant requires that you take certain precautions. Experts will advise you to follow some simple ground rules before and after they perform the procedure.

Before the Hair Transplant procedure, the patient must avoid anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin. They will thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding after the procedure. You should stop drinking and smoking prior to the transplant. Try to keep your scalp away from the sun as much as possible.

After the procedure, the patient must take certain precautions to make sure they don’t harm the newly transplanted follicles. The doctors will prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, or anti-inflammatory drugs. This is done to remove any pain that you might experience after the procedure. Don’t self medicate or you will end up with adverse effects. Once again, it is advisable to avoid alcohol and nicotine consumption for a while after the procedure. Avoid strenuous activity for a week. You can return to work after 2 - 5 days. Cover your head when you go outdoors. This is because the new transplants are extremely sensitive to sunlight. It’s very important that you don’t touch your scalp, even if it itches! The new hair follicles are very tender and touching them could cause an infection.

What’s Your Best Bet?

Now that you know all the rules, you should also know which hair transplant method can give you the best results. Follicular Unit Extraction for hair transplant is the latest method. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that produces better quality grafts.

This is why Kaya Clinic performs FUE in it’s Expert Hair Transplant Solution. It’s done without making cuts or incisions. So you won’t have to deal with wounds or scars after the procedure. During the procedure, doctors use anesthesia to extract the hair follicles without causing you any pain. The grafts from these follicles are then transplanted onto the balding areas.

After the transplantation, Platelet-Rich Plasma is injected into the scalp. This will help nourish and increase the activity of the newly planted hair follicles. The transplanted grafts start growing new hair after 3-4 months. The hair becomes thick and full after 8 months.

If tablets, lotions, and medicinal oils can’t reverse the effects of permanent hair fall, then hair transplant procedures could be your last line of defense.

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