Wednesday 21 September 2016

Here's how Kaya's Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy can put an end to hair breakage

Kaya Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy

Your hair used to be your crowning glory. But then you grew up and something changed. Now, even when you have a good job and a better lifestyle, your skin and hair are drastically affected by the polluted air, heat, and dust that prevails the city.
The ultimate in hair care
Experts at Kaya Skin Clinic first identify the root cause before deciding the best treatment for you. Dermatologists examine your scalp and hair to diagnose and find the best process to alleviate your hair problems.
Kaya's Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy

Kaya Skin Clinic has a whole set of hair care treatments. You can choose the best option that suits your condition as well as budget. Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy is the optimal solution for you as dull lifeless hair requires treatment all the way from the root to the tip.
The 360° approach
Kaya Skin Clinic provides a targeted and comprehensive treatment that helps rejuvenate your hair:
   The therapy aims at strengthening and revitalizing your roots and scalp, preventing dullness and hair breakage
   It uses a combination of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and nourishing oils, to make your scalp healthy and to stimulate the growth of stronger, healthy hair
   Gives the roots and shafts the required nourishment to bring back glow and bounce to your hair
   The treatment also addresses sebum control and ageing of the scalp
   After the therapy, you have to attend follow up sessions as prescribed
   You are also given instructions to take proper care of your hair at home, using the right products for your hair, and catering to its nutritional needs with the right diet and nourishing supplements.
Why wait?
Consult the experts, and opt for a complete treatment, if necessary. Once the treatment is done, make sure you keep up with the follow-up sessions as advised.
Kaya Skin Clinic’s Hair Care treatments are designed to cater to various conditions like root strengthening, treating under-nourished hair, and general hair health boosting treatments. This combination of therapies and natural products can easily prevent hair breakage and rapid hair loss.

To read customer experiences regarding Kaya’s wide range of skincare and haircare products and services, visit Kaya Skin Clinic Reviews.

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